Vibrant, Successful Communities
Maloney provides customized property management services for over 10,000 units of mixed-use, market rate, and affordable housing in over 80 communities across New England. The Maloney advantage includes competitive rates, proactive cost cutting measures, improved resident satisfaction, and dedicated, industry-leading facilities management and regulatory compliance teams. Find out what we can do for you.
I feel very fortunate to reside in a community managed by Maloney Properties. The management staff does an outstanding job maintaining the property and they genuinely care about their residents. —James McDonnel
Our Signature Services
Maloney provides comprehensive real estate services and expertise to a wide range of clients. Uniquely positioned to provide customized solutions to property owners and developers, Maloney is a strategic partner in the creation of vibrant, successful communities. Put our experience to work for you.
Facilities Management
Maloney delivers highly customized professional maintenance services to fit the diverse needs of over 80 communities across New England. Our strong emphasis on preventative maintenance, energy conservation and professional staff training is a winning combination that eliminates surprises, reduces costs, and improves client and resident satisfaction. Put our experience to work for you.
Regulatory Compliance
Maloney has dedicated over 35 years to supporting affordable housing initiatives and mastering various federal and state subsidized housing programs including LIHTC (tax credit), Section 8, Section 236, RAP, Rent Supplement, HOME, MRVP and Section 13A. Clients rely on our straightforward guidance on the complexities of subsidy programs to maintain regulatory compliance and achieve superior audit scores.
Sales and Marketing
Maloney provides highly successful real estate sales and lease-up services to achieve maximum sustainable occupancy levels and high resident retention. Specializing in affordable fair marketing plans, BRA and DND affordable lotteries, waitlist management, and tenant selection plans. Offering multi-lingual advertising, apartment staging, virtual tours, website design and more.
Resident Services
Improving the quality of life in the communities we serve is at the core of our mission. Maloney’s nationally and regionally recognized Resident Services team plays an important role in achieving this goal. We offer highly customized Resident Services to fit the diverse needs of different communities. MPI Resident Services, Inc. is actively involved with NEEHA, NERSC, and MARSCH.
Information Technology
Delivering a comprehensive suite of industry leading technology solutions, Maloney IT streamlines property management operations, improves resident services, and maintains digital security and compliance. Specializing in software and technology assessment, Integration and Implementation; information security compliance, and custom report development.
Financial Services
Maloney’s Accounting team leverages a wealth of experience to navigate the financial complexities facing property owners and developers. Clients rely on our expertise in complex financing layers, compliance with stringent reporting requirements, and forecasting to attain the solid fiscal foundation at the core of every successful community.
Construction Management
Maloney offers construction services, project management, and owner’s representative services for new development and capital improvements. Our extensive experience includes large reconstruction projects, disaster response management, weatherization retro-fits, systems upgrades, and more.
Relocation Services
Maloney develops and executes successful large-scale multi-phase relocation programs. We work closely with owners and residents to design programs with an emphasis on partnership, collaboration, and communication. The key to our success is community participation and ensuring that every voice is heard.
Hospitality Management
Maloney delivers successful hospitality management solutions. We consistently demonstrate our ability to reposition underperforming properties. Streamline hotel operations, improve guest experience, increase visibility and maximize ROI. Establish your hotel property as a destination in today’s competitive travel market.