An Update from Maloney on coronavirus (COVID-19)
Maloney Properties has taken measures to assist in preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the communities we serve and in our workplace.
As we closely monitor the information from the CDC and spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), Maloney Properties has implemented several measures to prepare for the possibility of exposure. We have provided guidance to staff and residents since early on in the news cycle regarding the spread of the virus and have revised our policies as needed. We will continue to provide updates and regular information to our clients, staff members and residents. Day to day operational functions continue with some modifications including:
- Increased cleaning/sanitation schedules in all common areas on commonly touched items to be conducted several times per day with bleach wipes and disinfectant sprays.
- All group activities, events and programming have been postponed until further notice at all properties and our Central office.
- All in person meetings will take place as conference calls until further notice.
- We are requesting that non-essential visitors who have recently been sick or traveled to a foreign country refrain from entering the buildings for 14 days upon their return.
- Meal program coordination to allow for apartment delivery or pickup, as applicable.
- We have communicated with resident emergency contacts in our senior housing of our temporary precautions, so as to be able to assist residents with supplies, medications, appointments and conditions as needed.
- All Unit Preventive Maintenance Inspections have been postponed and staff will only enter units to respond to emergencies.
- All site offices and our Central office have been notified to remain closed to the public until further notice. Visitors must make an appointment in advance to meet with a member of our staff.
- Contact information to reach staff will be posted on office doors.
- Site office staff will continue to be available during regular business hours for residents by appointment only until further notice. Residents are encouraged to communicate with staff by phone or email as much as feasible to minimize personal contact and potential exposure.
A letter has been sent to all residents on March 12, 2020 relaying information from the CDC about the preventive action residents can take to help us to control the spread of any viruses including COVID-19 in the buildings.
We thank all clients, residents, community service providers and staff members for their continued support and cooperation during this time.